Adani Wilmar has informed that one of the promoter companies, Adani Commodities will be selling up to 20% stake in the company through an Offer For Sale starting on January 10, with a floor price of Rs 275 per share. The OFS will have a base offer of 13.5% equity and a green shoe option for another 6.5% stake, a company filing said on January 9.
Open FlipMutual Fund folios hit at all-time high of 22,50,03,545 in December 2024, revealed the latest data released on Thursday by the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Retail mutual fund folios (which include equity, hybrid, and solution-oriented Schemes) were at an all-time high of 17,89,93,911 for the month of December 2024, compared to 17,54,84,468 for the month of November 2024.
Open FlipEven though there has been talk for long that household savings are moving from bank deposits to other financial products, especially to the capital market, data published by the ICICI Bank Global Market report for financial year 2023-24 seems to suggest that the share of total household deposits in GDP has increased sharply to 4.7 percent in FY24, from 4.1 percent in the year ago period.
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