On the back of softening corporate profits and elevated valuations, global brokerage firm HSBC has downgraded its rating on India to ‘Neutral’ from an ‘overweight’ earlier, setting a Sensex target of Rs 85,990 for 2025. While India has experienced annualized growth of 25% in recent years, HSBC notes that this pace is unsustainable.
Open FlipShares of Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) are trading with gains of over 1% on Thursday, January 9, ahead of the state-run financier announcing its results for the October-December period. IREDA had already disclosed its business momentum for the quarter gone by last week, on January 1. The company had sanctioned loans worth ₹31,087 crore during the quarter.
Open FlipDavin Sons Retail shares listed on the BSE SME platform at a discount of 20 percent on January 9, following nearly 115 times subscription to its Rs 9-crore issues. The shares of Davin Sons Retail were listed at Rs 44 per share on the BSE SME platform, a discount of 20 percent to its IPO price. The company's market market valuation post listing of shares stood at Rs 24.31 crore.
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