Axis Bank shares fell over 3% to a low 1,014.65 on the NSE on Wednesday amid a block deal where 33.2 lakh shares are reported to have changed hands. ETNow reported about the block deal. Details of the buyers and sellers were not known immediately. The action in Axis Bank stock was accompanied with strong volumes as 92 lakh shares were trading on the NSE around 2 pm.
Open FlipRikhav Securities IPO began accepting subscriptions on Wednesday, January 15, and will remain open until Friday, January 17. Rikhav Securities IPO price band has been set between ₹82 and ₹86 per equity share, with a face value of ₹5 each. Investors can place bids for a minimum of 1,600 equity shares, with additional bids in multiples of 1,600 shares thereafter.
Open FlipShares of Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd., the Thrissur, Kerala-based Jewellery maker, are locked in a lower circuit of 10% on Wednesday, January 15. With today's move, the stock has crashed 32% in the last nine trading sessions. The stock has been on a losing spree even after the company's December quarter business update showed continued outperformance on growth.
Open Flip