Tata Electronics stepped up its production of Apple's iPhone in 2024 and now accounts for around 26 percent of the iPhones made in India, the Business Standard has reported. The Tata Group company, which acquired Wistron's iPhone facility in, Karnataka’s Narsapura for $125 million in October 2023, significantly increased its production, exports and direct employment.
Open FlipWipro is set to announce its third-quarter results for Q3FY25, and expectations are subdued on furloughs, wage hike impacts, and seasonal weaknesses in the consulting business. The Street would be closely watching how the company balances these headwinds with operational efficiencies, large deal ramp-ups, and margin levers.
Open FlipInvestors are often on the lookout for what mutual funds (MFs) are buying and selling to understand market trends and make informed investment decisions. Mutual funds increased their stake in mid-cap and small-cap stocks in December, with top buys including Yes Bank, HUDCO, and Tata Elxsi, and top sells including Tata Technologies, Vodafone Idea, and Hindustan Zinc.
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