Sustainable packaging solutions startup Zerocircle has raised Rs 20 crore in its seed funding, led by Nithin Kamath's venture capital firm Rainmattter, with participation from 1Crowd, Trousdale Sarosphere LLC, and environmental advocate Trudie Styler, co-founder of the Rainforest Fund. Other participants include VC Grid, 7th Gen Ventures, Spectrum Impact, and LNB Group.
Open FlipStallion India Fluorochemicals initial public offering (IPO) opened for subscription on January 16. The issue was subscribed over 7.08 times on the first day of bidding. Stallion India's IPO has allocated up to 50 per cent of the shares in the public offering for qualified institutional buyers (QIB), at least 15% for non-institutional investors (NII), and a minimum of 35% for retail investors.
Open FlipThe SME IPO of Landmark Immigration Consultants was over-subscribed 1.69 times on the first day of bidding, i.e. January 16. The issue has seen strong participation from retail as well as qualified institutional buyers. The global education consultancy services provider targets to raise Rs 40.32 crore via initial public offering of 56 lakh shares which consists entirely of a fresh issue.
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