IRCTC has appointed Sudhir Kumar as its CFO, effective January 16, 2025. The decision was approved by the board of directors based on the recommendations of the Nomination & Remuneration and Audit Committees. Kumar, an accomplished officer from the 1996 batch of the IRAS, takes over the role following the departure of Gaisingam Kabui, whose tenure ended on December 16.
Open FlipU.S.-listed shares rose by more than 6% at the market open on Thursday morning. TSMC stock was up by more than 5% during pre-market trading after its fourth-quarter earnings results beat expectations. The company reported net revenue of NT$868.46 billion, or $26.36 billion, and record net income of NT$374.68 billion, or about $11.3 billion for the quarter ended December 31.
Open FlipSebi barred Pacheli Industrial Finance from accessing capital markets as its stock surged 372% in a month, pushing the P/E ratio to 4,00,000, suggesting a potential 'pump and dump' scheme. The regulator identified possible fund round-tripping and other suspicious financial activities, prompting immediate regulatory action.
Open Flip