Microsoft India and South Asia president Puneet Chandok said that the company has already trained 2,400,000 Indians since 2024. American tech giant Microsoft plans to invest $3 billion to expand its cloud computing and artificial intelligence capabilities in India, calling it “the single largest expansion we have ever done in India.” The announcement was made at the Microsoft AI Tour in Bengaluru.
Open FlipTata Elxsi Ltd. on Thursday, January 9, reported a 13.3% quarter-on-quarter decline in net profit at ₹199 crore for the period ending December 31, 2024, compared to ₹229.4 crore in the September quarter. Revenue for the quarter stood at ₹939.2 crore, which was 1.7% down as compared to ₹955.1 crore in the September quarter.
Open FlipAtul Suri, CEO of Marathon Trends-PMS, is bullish on large-cap IT stocks, expecting them to lift the market due to their significant index weightage, while remaining cautious on banks. He also predicts large caps will outperform mid and small caps, and advises selective positioning in the current market.
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