Sunteck Realty has reported 40 per cent growth in its sale bookings to Rs 635 crore during the latest December quarter, driven by bullish housing demand. In a regulatory filing late Friday, Sunteck Realty said the company's sale bookings or pre-sales in the year-ago period was Rs 455 crore. During April-December period of 2024-25, the company's pre-sales registered a growth of 34%.
Open FlipThe slum rehabilitation authority (SRA), Brihanmumbai confirmed the appointment of Oberoi Realty as the developer in respect of the slum rehabilitation scheme for lands admeasuring approximately 10,300 sq meter situated at Bandra Reclamation, Mumbai. The said land is owned by Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA).
Open FlipThe Lucknow Development Authority's e-auction garnered over Rs 450 crore, with 59 out of 325 properties sold, fetching bids three times their reserve prices, driven by strong demand for commercial plots. The auction saw highlights such as a Rs 1.33 crore plot selling for Rs 4.48 crore and a Rs 100-crore group housing plot.
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