Rikhav Securities will launch its Rs 89-crore initial share sale for public subscription on January 15. The issue will close on January 17, while the anchor book of the IPO will be opened for institutional investors for a day on January 14. The IPO consists of fresh issue of 83.28 lakh shares worth Rs 71.62 crore, and OFS of 20 lakh shares worth Rs 17.2 crore by public shareholders.
Open FlipGujarat-based winding and conductivity products maker Vidya Wires has filed preliminary papers with SEBI to raise funds via IPO for capacity expansion and debt reduction. The IPO is a mix of fresh issuance of equity shares worth Rs 320 cr, and OFS of 1 crore shares by promoters. Further, Rs 100 cr fresh issue funds will be used for repaying debt, and the remainder for general corporate purposes.
Open FlipIn their very first year of trading, spot bitcoin ETFs have seen billions of dollar flow into them and have made it easier for investors to invest in the cryptocurrency. However, not all bitcoin ETFs are made the same. Since they began trading on Jan. 11, 2024, spot bitcoin ETFs have seen net inflows of roughly $36.2 billion, per Farside Investors.
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