Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) shares will remain in focus on Wednesday, January 8, following the automaker's announcement of prices for the highly anticipated Mahindra XEV 9e and BE 6 top-end models. Both electric SUVs will be offered in three variants, including Pack One, Pack Two, and Pack Three. The company had earlier announced the price of the basic models.
Open FlipGeojit Financial Services's report on Daily Agri Picks: India's exports of spices rose 10% on year to 940,997.50 tonnes in Apr-Oct, according to data from the Spices Board of India. The country exported 146,557.83 tonnes of jeera during the period, up 73% on year, the data showed. In dollar terms, the total exports of spices were up 7% on year at $2.54 billion during Apr-Oct.
Open FlipComplete Circle Capital's wealth management arm has raised $3 million in its maiden fund raise from investors led by Rajeev and Arjun Juneja from Mankind Pharma Promoter Family Office, along with Narinder Bajaj, the Director and Chairman of Mitutoyo South Asia Pvt. Ltd. It also plans to roll out AI-based technology to help investors and clients.
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