Shares of Shoppers Stop climbed as much as 10.8% on Wednesday to Rs 688 on the BSE after the department store chain posted a nearly 41% year-on-year (YoY) rise in quarterly profit, after two straight quarters of loss, driven by strong demand for premium products such as watches and perfumes during the festive season.
Open FlipBSE share price jumped over 5% on Wednesday, extending its rally for the third consecutive session after analysts remained bullish on the stock and predicted more upside. BSE shares spiked as much as 5.14% to ₹5,729.00 apiece on the NSE.BSE stock price has rallied 20% in three months and has delivered multibagger returns of more than 150% in one year.
Open FlipSharekhan's research report on HCL Technologies: HCL Tech reported revenue of $3,533 million, up 3.8% q-o-q/4.1 % y-o-y in CC terms, missing our estimate of $3,561 million. EBIT margin expanded by ~90 bps q-o-q to 19.5%, beating estimates of 19.3%. New deal wins TCVs stood at $2,095 million, down 6% q-o-q/up 9% y-o-y.
Open Flip