📌Ola Electric Mobility's stock fell 1.34% to Rs 75.16 after📌 SEBI issued an administrative warning for disclosure regulation infractions, citing non-compliance with regulations 4 and 30. Ola Electric had announced a fourfold expansion of its company-owned stores by December 20, 2024, but Chairman Bhavish Aggarwal had made the announcement earlier than the official notification.
Open FlipKotak Institutional Equities initiates coverage on Waaree Energies and Premier Energies with a "sell" recommendation, citing potential downsides of 8% and 41% respectively, despite India's solar sector being primed for 18% CAGR growth until 2030. Kotak favors integrated Indian manufacturers and US-based companies for superior profitability.
Open FlipLarsen and Toubro on Wednesday, January 8, said its heavy engineering arm won 'significant' orders in the third quarter of FY25 in the overseas and domestic markets. L&T classifies orders in the ₹1,000 crore to ₹2,500 crore range as 'significant'. The company's heavy engineering arm bagged an order for LNG equipment for a project in the US.
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