Non-bank lender Piramal Enterprises Ltd on Tuesday (December 17) announced that the Administrative Committee of its board of directors will meet on Friday, December 20, 2024, to deliberate on and approve a proposed public issuance of non-convertible debentures (NCDs). Shares of Piramal Enterprises Ltd ended at ₹1,224.65, down by ₹26.20, or 2.09% on the BSE.
Open FlipPharmaceutical company Aurobindo Pharma Ltd on Tuesday (December 17) announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed an inspection of Unit-V, an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing facility of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Apitoria Pharma Private Ltd. Shares of Aurobindo Pharma Ltd ended at ₹1,212, down by ₹33, or 2.65%, on the BSE.
Open FlipFood inflation eased to a three-month low of 9 percent in November, with vegetable inflation cooling off to 29.3 percent from 42.2 percent a month before, but a Moneycontrol analysis shows that winter vegetables were still more expensive than before. Besides potatoes, which boiled on a nearly four-year-high inflation, carrots, radish, cauliflower and cabbage inflation too heated up in November.
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