Slone Infosystems Limited has secured an order worth Rs 3.96 crore (plus GST) for the supply of 600 Lenovo L14 laptops, model 21H1S0PM00. The specifications include a 14.0" FHD display, Intel i5-1335U processor, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Windows 11 Pro, FHD camera, fingerprint reader, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, backlit keyboard, backpack, and a 3-year Premier support with CO2 offset feature.
Open FlipBajaj Housing Finance IPO, which entered its second day of bidding today (10 September), has been subscribed 3.44 times so far, driven by continued strong demand from non-institutional wealthy investors and retail investors. The much-awaited Rs 6,560-crore IPO of Bajaj Housing Finance has received bids for over 250 crore shares as of 11:45 am on Tuesday, compared to 72.75 crore shares on offer.
Open FlipTata Technologies has appointed Geena Binoy as its new chief human resources officer (CHRO), the global engineering and product development digital services company announced in a statement. Binoy, who is already a member of the company’s executive leadership team and is in charge of worldwide delivery for digital enterprise solutions (DES), will be in charge of driving its HR Strategies.
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