Sales figures in some ultra-luxury categories in Mumbai, especially those priced between Rs 20 crore and Rs 50 crore, have been falling off, leading to a significant increase in the levels of unsold inventory. A large portion of the ultra-luxury segment in Mumbai is priced in the Rs 20 crore-50 crore bracket, in areas such as Worli, Prabhadevi, Mahalaxmi, Dadar, Mahim and in some suburbs.
Open FlipHavells India reported net profit of Rs 278 crore in Q3FY25, a fall of 3% from Rs 287.91 crore net profit which the firm had reported for the same quarter (Q3) of the previous financial year (FY 24). The firm's revenue from operations, however, rose 10% to Rs 4,888.98 crore revenue in Q3FY25 from Rs 4,413.86 crore reported in Q3 FY 24.Havells also saw a rise in its total expense.
Open FlipKelix bio, an emerging markets-focused specialty generic biopharmaceutical company has struck its fifth strategic deal since its acquisition by Abu Dhabi sovereign investor Mubadala Investment Company last year. It has fully acquired a UAE-based diabetes drug manufacturer, expanding its product portfolio of affordable critical drugs.
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