On Monday, benchmark indices closed the session on a muted note as investors booked profits after recent gains. The Sensex slipped 1.59% to end at 77,964.99, while the Nifty 50 declined by 1.62%, settling at 23,616.05. India VIX, spiked by 15.58% to 15.65, indicating a sharp rise in market uncertainty. Top 3 price-volume breakout stocks: 📌JTL Industries, 📌KIOCL, 📌Udayshivakumar Infra.
Open FlipThe cost of a vegetarian thali increased 6 percent over the previous year in December, as tomato and potato prices continued to pinch Indian households, according to a report released by rating agency Crisil on January 6. However, sequential prices fell 3% due to declining vegetable costs, which could impact RBI's interest rate decisions.
Open FlipThe initial public offerings of Parmeshwar Metal and Davin Sons Retail garnered massive demand from investors on the final day of bidding, i.e. January 6, subscribing 563.51 times and 114.64 times, respectively. Parmeshwar Metal, which manufactures copper wire and rods by recycling copper scrap, launched IPO on January 2 to raise Rs 24.74 crore.
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