The IPO of Quadrant Future Tek will see its shares debut on the Indian stock exchanges on Tuesday, January 14. Ahead of the listing, the company’s shares are commanding a healthy GMP of ₹140, as per the market sources. Considering the IPO's upper price band of ₹290 and the current grey market premium, the estimated listing price of Quadrant Future Tek stands at ₹430 apiece.
Open FlipDAM Capital share price declined over 9 percent in January 13 trade to settle below its listing price amid a broader market decline. Markets witnessed a sharp decline on Monday, losing over 1.5 percent as the ongoing corrective phase intensified. The broader indices also experienced significant losses, plunging nearly 4% each.
Open FlipBharat Electronics Ltd., the state-run defence equipment manufacturer on Monday, January 13, announced that it has now won orders worth ₹561 crore since its last disclosure on December 23, 2024. The company said that majority of the orders comprise of communication equipment, electro optics, upgrades for satcom network, radar & fire control system, spares, services etc.
Open Flip