The capital markets regulator is not planning any more measures to curb or restrict activity in derivatives, Sebi's Wholetime Member Ananth Narayan said on Saturday. An expert group under former RBI executive director G Padmanabhan continues to work on bettering the system, and some moves on ease of doing business and better risk management are being mulled, he added.
Open FlipOrbiMed-backed Laxmi Dental on Wednesday said it has fixed the price band at ₹407-428 per share for ₹698 crore initial public offer which will hit the markets for public subscription on January 13. The company has decreased the size of its fresh issuance from ₹150 crore to ₹138 crore and expanded OFS (offer for sale) size from 1.28 crore equity shares to nearly 1.31 crore shares.
Open FlipThe U.S. is expected to release by next week a climate model for clean fuel tax credits that will sharply reduce the ability of ethanol producers to access subsidies for production of sustainable aviation fuel, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. The exclusion of climate-smart agricultural practices represents a reversal from the last update of the climate model.
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