Maruti Suzuki's shares rose over 5% in three consecutive sessions after BofA Securities upgraded the stock's rating to 'Buy' and raised the target price to ₹14,000, implying a 16% potential upside, citing growth drivers like new utility vehicle launches and a strong foray into the electric vehicle market.
Open FlipMadhabi Puri Buch, the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), underscored the pivotal role of technology in driving the remarkable transformation of the country's capital markets in a pre-recorded address at the symposium on India’s Securities Market Tech Stack (SMART 2025).
Open FlipShares of Sterling & Wilson Renewable Energy Ltd. surged as much as 10% on Thursday, January 16, after returning to profitability during the December quarter. Sterling & Wilson reported a net profit of ₹14.8 crore for the December quarter, in comparison to a net loss of ₹63.7 crore that the company had reported during the December quarter last year.
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