Sebi has asked some IPO-bound companies to disclose whistleblower complaints against them or their promoters, following rare interventions to stop IPOs due to disclosure lapses. This move aims to inform investors and prevent potential fraud, with companies like Denta Water and Smartworks Coworking Space already making such disclosures.
Open FlipThe US stock market has had a disappointing start to 2025, with investors facing headwinds from rising interest rates, slowing economic growth, and escalating geopolitical tensions, volatility, casting doubts and eroding positive sentiment, leading to a decline in market sentiment and subdued trading activity.
Open FlipIndusInd Bank shares have rebounded 6% to ₹983 after a 37.2% decline due to poor Q2FY25 performance, but analysts remain cautious about further gains following a disappointing Q3FY25 update, citing deposit struggles and lending growth issues, with a target price of ₹1,350 per share. The bank's CASA ratio also declined to 34.9%, compared to 35.9% last quarter and 38.5% last year.
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