Wall Street's main indexes opened higher on the first trading session of 2025, with investors hoping a fresh political landscape and more interest rate cuts will enhance corporate and economic performance. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 115.9 points, or 0.27%, at the open to 42,660.09. The S&P 500 rose 21.6 points, or 0.37%, at the open to 5,903.26, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 93.1.
Open FlipBritish energy giant Shell plc is set to acquire an Indian petroleum products manufacturing company, expanding its footprint in India into low-carbon offerings including LNG and renewable energy. The move marks a significant diversification of Shell's India portfolio. British energy giant Shell plc is set to acquire an Indian petroleum products manufacturing company.
Open FlipOn January 2, both domestic institutional investors (DIIs) and foreign institutional investors (FIIs) were net buyers. DIIs bought shares worth Rs 22 crore, while on the other hand, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) net sold shares worth Rs 1,507 crore, provisional data from NSE showed.During the trading session, DIIs bought Rs 14,174-crore shares and sold shares worth Rs 14,154 crore.
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