GMR Power and Urban Infra Ltd on Wednesday, January 8, said it has secured approval from the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (‘IREDA’) to part finance the project to install and maintain 75.69 lakh smart meters across various zones in Uttar Pradesh. Shares of GMR Power and Urban Infra were trading 1.24% lower at ₹127.10 on the BSE around 10:10 am.
Open FlipShares of Dr. Reddy's Laboratories jumped as much as 4% on Wednesday to Rs 1,404.60 on the BSE after brokerage firm Nuvama Institutional Equities upgraded its rating on the stock to 'buy,' expressing confidence in the drugmaker's proactive measures to offset the anticipated financial impact from the patent expiry of its blockbuster cancer drug Revlimid in 2026.
Open FlipV R Woodart's Q3 2025 results show a 44.51% YoY increase in loss to ₹0.03 crore, with revenue remaining at ₹0 crore. The company's EPS decreased by 100% YoY to ₹-0.02. Despite this, V R Woodart has given 21.25% return in the last 1 week and YTD. As compared to the previous quarter, the revenue declined by 0% and the loss increased by 32.28%.
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