Crude oil prices edged up on January 8 amid supply concerns from Russia and OPEC members. Brent crude showed an up move of 32 cents, or 0.42 per cent and touched $77.37 per barrel. Similarly, US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) increased by 42 cents or 0.57 per cent and reached $74.67. Increase in the US jobs openings indicating the expansion of economic activity leading to a growth in oil demand.
Open FlipShares of Indian electronics manufacturing firms Dixon Technologies, Kaynes Technology, and Amber Enterprises plummeted, led by an 8% decline in Dixon Technologies, biggest in 10 weeks, following a 2% drop in the Nasdaq Composite index due to concerns over stubborn inflation and interest rate cuts. Aside from that, shares of Kaynes Technology and Amber Enterprises fell around 4 percent each.
Open Flip๐ Benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty declined sharply on January 8 due to investor caution ahead of the December quarter earnings season, persistent foreign fund outflows, and weak global market trends, with the๐ Sensex down 550.98 points or 0.70 percent at 77,648.13, and the๐ Nifty down 158.50 points or 0.67 percent at 23,549.40.
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