The shares of Trent, the fashion and retail arm of the Tata Group, witnessed a decline of 3.7% on Thursday and hit their day's low of Rs 6,152.50 on the BSE after domestic brokerage firm Kotak Institutional Equities downgraded the stock to ‘sell’ from an earlier ‘add’ rating. The domestic brokerage has also lowered the target price for Trent shares to Rs 5,850 from Rs 6,800.
Open FlipDelhivery share price gained 3% during the intraday trades on Thursday. The company made a announcemnet pertaining to launch of 2-hour delivery service. Delhivery share price that opened at ₹327.40 on the BSE on Thursday, sligtly higher than the previus close of ₹325.15. The Delhivery share price thereafter saw further gains of up to ₹335, which transalated in to gains of almost 3%.
Open FlipBanks in India are repricing deposit rates to address a liquidity crunch, introducing new products with marginally higher interest rates to retain depositors, amid a Rs 2.22 lakh crore deficit in the past six months. Banks like Federal Bank, IDBI Bank, and Indian Bank have launched special deposit schemes with rates up to 8.05%.
Open Flip