The Indian stock market fell, with the📌 S&P BSE Sensex declining 1,258.12 points to 77,964.99 and NSE Nifty50 dipping 388.70 points to 23,616.05, led by losses in 📌Union Bank of India,📌 Kotak Mahindra Bank, and📌 Dabur India. Whereas 📌Jubilant Foodworks reported 56 percent year-on-year (YoY) growth in consolidated revenue for the December quarter to Rs 2,156 crore.
Open FlipAmit Banerji, founder, CEO of Table Space, a workspace solutions provider, has passed away, the company said on January 6. The immediate cause of his death remains unknown, although a few media reports suspected he had a heart attack. His impact on the company, its people and the industry will be lasting forever.
Open FlipShares of several Indian companies, including📌 CRISIL,📌 Aditya Birla Real Estate,📌 Asahi India Glass, 📌NLC India, and others, fell sharply in the first four trading sessions of 2025. With declines ranging from 7% to 11%. Shares of 📌CRISIL Ltd. fell 11% in first four trading sessions and 📌Aditya Birla Real Estate Ltd. fell 10% in the first four trading sessions of 2025.
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