Fabtech Technologies shares debuted on the BSE SME platform at Rs 161.50, a 90% premium over its IPO price, following a robust subscription demand of over 700 times to its Rs 27.74 crore issue. The company's market valuation stands at Rs 198.96 crore, with IPO proceeds to be used for working capital and acquiring Kelvin Air Conditioning shares.
Open FlipGold February futures contracts at MCX opened slightly higher on Friday at Rs 78,311/10 gram, which is up by 0.27% or Rs 207 while silver March futures contracts inched higher to open at Rs 92,160/kg, up by nearly 0.5% or Rs 449.Gold prices increased by Rs 1,560/10 grams in January so far while silver prices fell by Rs 4,930/kg in the same period.
Open FlipShares of Adani Wilmar fell 9.5% in early trade on January 10, hitting ₹292.65 per share. The decline followed Thursday evening’s announcement that its promoter proposes to divest up to 20% stake in the company through an Offer For Sale (OFS)."Adani Commodities LLP is one of the promoters of the company.
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