After an overwhelming response to the IPO, the shares of Parmeshwar Metal will debut on the BSE SME platform on Thursday. The company's GMP was robust at Rs 44 in the grey market ahead of the listing. Considering the upper price band of Rs 61, the stock is expected to see a listing premium of 72% over the issue price. The company's revenue reached Rs 1100 crore in FY24.
Open FlipGlobal broking firm Jefferies raised its target price on low-cost carrier InterGlobe Aviation, noting that the IndiGo parent is a 'unique, strong' franchise, with a dominant market share of over 60 percent in domestic air travel. The brokerage hiked its target price on IndiGo shares to Rs 5,260 per share, up from Rs 5,100 earlier, indicating a 23 percent upside from current levels.
Open FlipTCS shares are in focus ahead of Q3 results, with analysts expecting 5.2-6.4% revenue growth and 8.1-10% adjusted PAT growth year-on-year, driven by deal momentum in BFSI, despite subdued growth on a sequential basis. TCS shares closed at Rs 4,107.5, up 2% on the BSE, with a market capitalization of Rs 14,86,129 crore.
Open Flip