Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli, one of Bollywood's most beloved couples, are currently in India, spending quality time with their families. Recently, they were spotted frequently near the Gateway of India, catching ferries to their new home in Alibaug. The couple’s housewarming ceremony, or Griha Pravesh, is making headlines, with a video of the preparations going viral on social media.
Open FlipIndia's merchandise trade deficit widened to $21.94 billion in December 2024 from the same time last year, data released on January 15 showed. While merchandise exports fell nearly 1 percent in December 2024, goods imports increased 4.9 percent. The trade deficit was $18.76 billion in December 2023.
Open FlipAxis Bank shares fell over 3% to a low 1,014.65 on the NSE on Wednesday amid a block deal where 33.2 lakh shares are reported to have changed hands. ETNow reported about the block deal. Details of the buyers and sellers were not known immediately. The action in Axis Bank stock was accompanied with strong volumes as 92 lakh shares were trading on the NSE around 2 pm.
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