The Indian government extended the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana scheme to FY26 with a Rs 69,515.7 crore outlay, aiming to benefit farmers amid rising coverage, but data shows the scheme is becoming less inclusive, with a declining share of marginal farmers and Scheduled Caste farmers enrolling in the program.
Open FlipOnce known for its palatial houses or Kothis, several prominent areas of the national capital are now turning into a hub for luxury high-rise developments. Locations such as South Delhi and West Delhi have emerged as a preferred choice for A-grade listed developers such as DLF, TARC and Godrej, among others, for their projects.
Open FlipSEBI's website and Saarthi App now offer new tools and resources to enhance investor protection and education, including an interactive tool to assess investment legitimacy, a video learning repository, financial health checkup tool, and 24 financial calculators to help investors make informed decisions. This new set includes an interactive tool to help users assess.
Open Flip