Motilal Oswal Alternates has raised over Rs 1,750 crore for its sixth real estate fund IREF VI to focus on investments across top eight cities of India. MO Alts has committed around Rs 1,300 crore to developers through its platform in this financial year of which Rs 1,000 crore has been committed across projects in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata from this latest fund.
Open FlipCLSA has reiterated its bullish outlook on ONGC, upgrading the stock to a "high-conviction outperform." CLSA has set a price target of ₹360 per share, indicating a potential upside of nearly 42% from ONGC's closing price on Monday. As many as 20 out of the 30 analysts covering the company have a 'Buy' rating on the stock, five suggest a 'hold' and five have a 'sell' rating, according to Bloomberg.
Open FlipIndraprastha Gas Ltd (IGL) shares are expected to rise after Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) approved the listing of Maharashtra Natural Gas (MNGL), a joint venture, through an IPO worth over Rs 1,000 crore. Citi Research reiterated its "buy" call on IGL shares with a price target of Rs 450, expecting a 6% upside.
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