Kolte-Patil Developers has reported pre-sales of Rs 2,161 crore in first nine months of the financial year 2024-25 and Rs 680 crore in Q3 FY25. Its pre-sales value dipped nine per cent year-on-year. New launches contributed ~31% to the sales for the period. Collections grew 17 per cent to Rs 1,729 crore in 9M FY25. Its collections in Q3 FY25 stood at Rs 567 crore, a growth of 15 per cent Y/Y.
Open FlipKarur Vysya Bank has reported a 20.39 per cent rise in its net profit for the October-December 2024 quarter to ₹496 crore, the bank said on Tuesday. For the nine month period ending December 31, 2024, the net profit surged by 24.28 per cent at ₹1,428 crore, as compared to a net profit of ₹1,149 crore recorded during the corresponding period of last financial year.
Open Flip📌The leading gainers in the Nifty index included Apollo Hospitals Enterprise (up 2.04%), Tata Consumer (up 1.23%), BPCL (up 1.05%), JSW Steel (up 0.83%), and Shriram Finance (up 0.70%). 📌Conversely, the top losers in the Nifty index were Trent (down 5.80%), Adani Ports & SEZ (down 3.70%), NTPC (down 3.50%), ICICI Bank (down 2.98%), and State Bank of India (down 2.59%).
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