Indian equity markets fell on Thursday, January 09. The BSE Sensex dropped as much as 0.77% to 77,542.92 level while the NSE compiled Nifty 50 slipped 0.78% to an intra-day low level of 23,503, testing one of the important support levels. The Nifty 50 closed the session 0.69% lower at 23,526.50. The Sensex dropped 0.68% to finish at 77,620.21.
Open FlipIndia’s largest IT services company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) reported its highest third quarter order book in at least the past five fiscal years with total contract value (TCV) at $10.2 billion in the period ended December 31. This comes in a seasonally weak quarter for the IT industry due to holiday season in core markets like North America.
Open FlipBR Goyal Infrastructure's initial share sale continued to garner strong interest from investors, who have subscribed the SME IPO 82.77 times so far on the final day of bidding, i.e. January 9. The issue was opened for subscription on January 7. The company that is engaged in the construction of infrastructure projects targets to raise Rs 85.21 crore through initial public offering.
Open Flip