The registered investor base of National Stock Exchange (NSE) has crossed the mark of 11 crore unique registered investors, with total number of registered accounts at over 21 crore, the exchange said on January 22. The pace of investor registrations at NSE has risen by 3.6-fold in past five years, and the last one crore investors were added in just over five months.
Open FlipNew Zealand house prices dipped in December amid tepid demand as many prospective buyers decided to pause their plans because they expect mortgage rates to fall this year, the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) said on Wednesday. Seasonally adjusted median house prices fell 1.0% in December versus the previous month, and 1.8% from the previous year.
Open FlipConservative retail investors who prefer fixed deposits (FDs) as savings instruments of choice now have one more option: 'special-rate' short-term FD schemes that cater to specific investment horizons. Leading banks like Bank of Baroda (BoB), Indian Bank and State Bank of India (SBI) have extended the special tenure deposit schemes till March 31, 2025, originally introduced in mid-2024.
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