Rikhav Securities IPO began accepting subscriptions on Wednesday, January 15, and will remain open until Friday, January 17. Rikhav Securities IPO price band has been set between ₹82 and ₹86 per equity share, with a face value of ₹5 each. Investors can place bids for a minimum of 1,600 equity shares, with additional bids in multiples of 1,600 shares thereafter.
Open FlipShares of Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd., the Thrissur, Kerala-based Jewellery maker, are locked in a lower circuit of 10% on Wednesday, January 15. With today's move, the stock has crashed 32% in the last nine trading sessions. The stock has been on a losing spree even after the company's December quarter business update showed continued outperformance on growth.
Open FlipShares of Nazara Technologies, a leading diversified gaming and sports media company, climbed 4% in intraday trade on Wednesday, January 15 to ₹938. Notably, the stock recovered 6% from the day’s low after the company announced that its subsidiary, Fusebox Games, partnered with Banijay Rights to bring Bigg Boss to the world of interactive gaming.
Open Flip