Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd. share prices continued to witness a decline, fifth day in a row. Currently, the trading price stands at Rs 686.35, a decline of 3.24% early on the day, January 9. Earlier, the company had released its Q3 FY25 updates on Tuesday, highlighting likeliness of its net revenue to grow by 39% with India business surge standing at 41 percent on festive and wedding demand.
Open FlipHere is the summary, With a monthly income of Rs 20,000, getting a personal loan is possible, despite banks and NBFCs preferring higher salary brackets. Eligibility criteria include a credit score above 700, minimum work experience, and Indian nationality, with interest rates starting at 12% per annum.
Open FlipBritain’s latest bond turmoil has drawn comparisons with the Liz Truss mini-budget debacle of 2022 but a parallel with the debt crisis of the 1970s might be more apt. That’s the analysis of former Bank of England rate-setter Martin Weale, who said the Labour government may have to resort to austerity to reassure markets that it will address the UK’s escalating debt burden.
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