Shares of state-run NBCC Ltd. have surged to the day's high on Wednesday, January 15, after the company announced multiple order wins to the tune of ₹405 crore. Planning, designing and execution of construction of Centre for Advanced Studies for the Hindu College at the University of Delhi worth ₹151.93 crore.
Open FlipThe year 2024 saw the launch of 200 new fund offers (NFOs) with September and October contributing 50 schemes. It is common among retail investors to invest in a new fund offer since they assume that the price at which a scheme is available is invariably tempting. However, this is often not true. Experts urge investors to avoid being too proactive while investing in a new scheme.
Open FlipTata Electronics stepped up its production of Apple's iPhone in 2024 and now accounts for around 26 percent of the iPhones made in India, the Business Standard has reported. The Tata Group company, which acquired Wistron's iPhone facility in, Karnataka’s Narsapura for $125 million in October 2023, significantly increased its production, exports and direct employment.
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