The stock of Pradhin Ltd. hit the upper circuit on Tuesday, reflecting investors' optimism about this transformative deal. The order involves importing aromatic chemicals, specifically the Perfumery Compound Base 909, which will be supplied to major perfume factories in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. This deal is expected to significantly bolster Pradhin Ltd.'s revenue streams.
Open FlipMarine Electricals (India) Ltd has secured a Rs 12.1 crore order from Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel (AM/NS) to supply LV Power and motor control centers, designed for seamless integration with automation systems. On Tuesday, Marine Electricals (India) Ltd's shares were trading at around Rs 246 per share, with a market capitalization of Rs 3263.57 crore.
Open FlipPrivate equity funds and marquee global investors are making a beeline for the real estate market — largely in the commercial space — after a lull of around two years owing to global macroeconomic uncertainties. Investors and market observers say office spaces are an attractive proposition for investors. Significant capital is expected to be directed to alternative assets.
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