Shares of brokerage firm Angel One today rallied 4.5% to their high of Rs 2,988 on the BSE after reporting an 11.3% year-on-year (YoY) increase in its Average Daily Turnover (ADTO) to Rs 40.05 lakh crore in the third quarter of FY 25. Considering Angel One’s ADTO based on option premium turnover, overall ADTO jumped by 51.5% YoY, but decreased by 2.5% QoQ.
Open FlipNykaa's parent company FSN E-Commerce Ventures Ltd.'s share price rose 4% after the company's business update for the December quarter, expecting net revenue growth higher than "mid-twenties" despite subdued online fashion demand, with its beauty vertical seeing accelerated growth and eB2B distribution business expanding to 8% of beauty GMV.
Open FlipGold prices experienced a modest decrease on Monday. The cost of 24 carat gold in India is Rs.7887.3 per gram, reflecting an decrease of ₹ 10.0. The cost of 22 carat gold in India is 7231.3 per gram, a fall of ₹10.0. The price fluctuation of 24 carat gold over the past week is recorded at -1.51%. The current price of silver in India is 94500.0 per kg, reflecting an decrease of 100.0 per kg.
Open Flip