Wockhardt share price jumped as much as 4 per cent in early trade on Monday, January 13, defying weak market sentiment. Wockhardt shares opened at ₹1,375.05 against their previous close of ₹1,386.95 and soon jumped 4 per cent to the level of ₹1,441.95. However, they pared some gains; around 10:50 AM, the stock traded 2.90 per cent up at ₹1,427 on the BSE.
Open FlipDolly Khanna portfolio stock: Ace investor Dolly Khanna raised a stake in small-cap stock under ₹200, Prakash Industries, during the third quarter of financial year 2024-25 (Q3 FY25), shows the latest shareholding pattern on the BSE. According to the latest shareholding pattern filed by the company, Dolly Khanna’s stake in the company rose by 0.11 per cent during Q3.
Open FlipOil prices extended gains for a third session on Monday, with Brent rising above $81 a barrel to its highest in more than four months, as wider U.S. sanctions are expected to affect Russian crude exports to top buyers China and India. Brent crude futures climbed $1.47, or 1.84%, to $81.23 a barrel by 0503 GMT after hitting an intraday high of $81.49, the highest since Aug. 27.
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