Sat Kartar Shopping, an Ayurveda healthcare company, sets its IPO to open on January 10, 2025, with a price range of Rs 77-81 per share and a minimum investment of Rs 1,29,600. The IPO aims to raise Rs 33.80 crores and will be listed on the NSE SME platform on January 17. This is not the actual listing price and may fluctuate based on the market trends.
Open FlipPuravankara Ltd acquired a 3.63-acre land parcel in Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru, aligning with its strategic vision to expand in key micro-markets. The stock is currently trading at Rs 378.05, down 0.55% from its opening figure. The land parcel has a saleable area of 5.42 lakh sq ft and an estimated Gross Development Value of Rs 700+ crore.
Open FlipWhiteOak Capital Mutual Fund launches the Quality Equity Fund, an open-ended scheme aiming to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies with strong fundamentals and sustainable competitive advantages, carrying a very high level of risk and suitable for investors with a high risk appetite and a 7-10 year investment horizon.
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